The SMART4YOU2 project is co-financed by the European Union, in the framework of the 3rd Call for proposals within Cross-border Programme the Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) allocations for 2018 – 2020
The main Program objective that SMART4YOU2 refers to, is the development of touristic potentials of the cross-border region, through the promotion of the cultural heritage and values that the region possesses.
This objective will be achieved through the inclusion of the local communities from both sides of the border, as active participants in various program activities, not only in the domain of protection and promotion of cultural heritage but also in the development of tourism, thus enabling closer, mutual cooperation of the local communities and allowing them to initiate faster socio-economic development of the cross-border region.
In line with its thematic priorities, as well as the existing partnership, this project is a continuance and upgrading of the cultural and at the same time touristic capacities, but also an upgrading of the partnership established in the previously realized SMART-CUL-TOUR project.
This way the achieved results are capitalized, the institutional capacities are improved, but also the quality and enrichment of contents of the tourist offer in the respective Municipalities and the region in general.
Only in that manner, we can improve the general impression and experience of the visitors and we can secure results that will lead to their extended stay and repeated visits of the region itself.
Besides the improvement of the condition of the cultural heritage that represents an important segment of the regional touristic offer, in the framework of the SMART4YOU2 project, special attention will be paid to the capacity development of the current and future professional – conservators.
This activity aroused from the previous cooperation of the project partners and it represents a mutual response to the lack of professionals in the domain of conservation which for the two countries presents one of a kind problem for which actions and solutions are needed.
The involvement of the senior conservators and their cooperation with the young interested individuals will enable not only theoretical but also a practical transfer of knowledge and skills, enabling long-lasting relations between participants, but also indirectly between the two neighboring countries.
Numerous activities dedicated to the development of creativity, entrepreneurship, and networking aim to improve the tourist offer in the cross-border region and to initiate an increased number of young people, to get actively engaged in the promotion of the cultural heritage of any kind, but in the tourism sector as well.
The public events that will be organized in both neighboring countries will enable closer awareness and introduction of the local communities, their cultures, traditions, similarities, and differences.
That will empower both countries to improve their mutual relations and cooperation in every segment of the contemporary life of the communities in both countries.

SMART4YOU2 project partners:

Municipality of Bitola – Lead Partner, North Macedonia
Municipality of Pustec – Partner, Albania
NI “Institute and museum” – Bitola, Partner, North Macedonia
Regional directorate for cultural heritage – Korce, Albania
Youth cultural center Bitola – Partner, North Macedonia

Project budget: 1.216.997,00 Euro
Implementation period: 30 months



In order to achieve the general objective of the SMART4YOU2 project, the activities are presented in separate groups, closely related to the outlined specific project goals.

The first group of activities refers to:
To upgrading of the potential of protected cultural heritage, expand tourist offers, improve visitors’ experience, initiate prolonged and repeated visits, visitors’ positive recommendations, and improved image of the region.
• Reconstruction of museum space and setting up a permanent exhibition in the NI Institute and Museum in Bitola;
• Rehabilitation of side entrance of the museum building in Bitola;
• Reconstruction of Patio located at the Museum in Bitola and setting of Lapidarium;
• Installation of elevators at the museum building;
• Setting up tactile images in the museum Permanent Exhibition for dissemination of information to blind visitors;
• Use of advanced, interactive technologies (IT) in the Museum Permanent Exhibition;
• Opening of Permanent Exhibition at the Museum in Bitola

The second group of activities refers to:
To fostering of continuity in joint actions and exchange of knowledge and skills among experts and young students – future conservators, in order for long-lasting cooperation in the protection of cultural heritage between both countries to be enabled
• Construction of access path to the St. Mery church located on Mali Grad island, Albania;
• Joint Conservation of St. Mary church with the participation of conservation experts from both countries;
• Summer Cross-Border School for conservation of cultural heritage addressed to students of fine arts from both countries;
• Exchange of thematic exhibitions on various cultural heritage elements between institutions in the cross-border region

The third group of activities refers to:
The establishment of spaces for tourists and travelers in Bitola and Pustec municipalities, dedicated to creativity, tradition, entrepreneurship, and networking to expand and improve tourist services and products in the cross-border region

• Reconstruction of an existing building located in the yard of the Officers’ Home in Bitola and establishment of “Pit Stop PARK” Bitola – a space for tourists and travelers;
• Reconstruction of the access path to Sterjo Spase Museum and setting а floating lake port in Globocheni, Pustec;
• Cross-Border Tourism Boosting Program “Entrepreneurship as a challenge” addressed to Macedonian and Albanian tourism stakeholders: TRAINING SESSIONS;
• Cross-Border Tourism Boosting Program “Entrepreneurship as a challenge” addressed to Macedonian and Albanian tourism stakeholders: MENTORING SESSIONS;
• Cross-Border Tourism Boosting Program “Entrepreneurship as a challenge” addressed to Macedonian and Albanian tourism stakeholders: NETWORKING;
• “ArtQuake” event to be held in the newly established “Pit Stop Park” in Bitola, to promote tourist products and services through artistic expressions and cultural values – customs, crafts, food, etc.;
• “Customs in practice” event to be held in Sterjo Spase Museum in Pustec, to promote tangible and intangible cultural heritage, values, and diversity of both neighboring countries;
• “Tradition as a way of communication” event to be held in Bitola Museum Patio, to promote infrastructural intervention;
• Communication and visibility: Smart4You2 events;
• Communication and visibility: Smart4You2 visibility elements;
• Project management and coordination: Smart4You2 project meetings