• Name of the item: Art Painting – “Three Children” – Contemporary Art, author Nikola Martinoski (born in Krusevo). Martinoski is one of the most important Macedonian contemporary artists who created in Macedonia and beyond.
  • Period/date : 1957
  • Origin: Depot of artwork of contemporary painting art exhibited in department of contemporary art in the N.I.”Institute and Museum” Bitola
  • Material/technique: oil paints on canvas
  • Dimensions: 30 Х 45 cm

Уметничка слика –„Три деца““- современа уметност, автор Никола Мартиноски

Short story (description):

The picture depicts – three children, aged like ten years.
The lower half of the picture shows two children – a girl, on the left is a girl who is facing us. The hair is dark with two braids that fall to her shoulder. She holds a bag in her hands, clasped to her left leg and leaning against the ground. She is barefoot. Her dress is modest and poor, worn. On the right is another girl who is also seated, half-turned to the right. On her head she has a light canvas scarf, wearing also modest and worn clothes. She is turned toward us, sad, imagined, unhappy.
In the middle of the picture, between the two girls and at the height to the very top of the picture is a boy sitting on a chair. He is taller than the girls, facing toward us and he is modestly dressed, wearing rags.
The three children in the picture are quiet, imaginative, sad, hungry and poor.
During this period Martinoski often created images with similar motifs: children actually girls and boys, young mothers with babies, they are all sad, poor and living hard, struggling for elemental overlap and existence.
This way of painting is known as social, engaged painting, the author with all his love for people, through his creativity struggles against injustices in society, poverty, loneliness, abandonment.
Martinoski does this with quick strokes, with elemental drawing, above all trying to portray the character of the person – sad, humiliated, deprived, impoverished.

Use: The painting is displayed in the permanent exhibition section of the Bitola Museum and is important for monitoring the development of culture and creativity in Bitola and affirmation of the NI Institute and Museum of Bitola.