• Name of the item: Art Painting – “Water lily” – Contemporary Art, by Jovan Dimovski (born in Bitola). Dimovski is one of the most significant artists from Bitola, a member of the prominent group VDIST, which will promote art in Bitola and beyond.
  • Period / date: 1956
  • Origin: Depot of the artwork of contemporary painting art exhibited in the department of contemporary art in the N.I.”Institute and Museum” Bitola
  • Material/technique: oil paints on canvas
  • Dimensions: 61 Х 91 cm

Уметничка слика –„Локвањи“- современа уметност, автор Јован Димовски

Short story (description):

The picture shows a landscape with water lilies in water.

The whole picture depicts a water surface through which various stalks of plants growing from the bottom beneath the water can be seen.

In the central part of the picture, a larger group of water lilies are depicted- plants that have large blossoms and flowers looking like they float on the surface of the water.

Painting glorifies life – the harmony of landscape, water, and flora.

Everywhere life and poetic harmony abound.

It seems that the author quickly painted the motif, wanting to portray the moment on a clean, warm and pleasant summer afternoon.
It is his subjective impression and experience – a process known in painting as impressionism.

The author wanted to convey his positive emotional feeling through the floating of water lilies flowers on the water surface.

The painting is cheerful, full of life thus glorifying the enchanting the splendor of nature.

Use: The painting is displayed in the permanent exhibition section of the Bitola Museum and is important for monitoring the development of culture and creativity in Bitola and affirmation of the NI Institute and Museum of Bitola.